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Hack P.C while chatting on Facebook

Wednesday 3 July 2013 | 0 comments

Hack P.C while chatting on Facebook

This is my first blog ever.. And today I will give you a technique of hacking into ones's computer while chatting with him/her in Facebook, Gtalk or Rediffbol....So first of all before entering into this topic I assume that you  have a basic knowledge of computer, especially command prompt/MS dos ..

So lets do our hands dirty...While chatting with your friends you must be wanting, what all latest things he's/she's hiding from me...???? And the answer I am going to teach you...

While chatting with your friends just open your command prompt[(start >Programs>Accessories>Command prompt) or (start>run>cmd.exe)]

And the next step is to type netstat -n in your command Prompt....

Now the complete list of I.P address is infront of you which are actually connected  to your P.C. Now you have to goggle it on which port does your chatting software sits on.  I assume that I am using yahoo chat(PORT No. 5050). Hence you get a close entries of your I.P addresses having Port no. 5050 . Now you search for the different I.Ps ,and that different I.Ps are your friend's I.Ps ...And same Series I.Ps are your own I.Ps..So to access the drive of your friend just type netuse G:\\ipadress\C$Here I have taken  'G' as your blank drive letter ,generally you dont have this drive letter or else you can assume a different one like Z,X,Y and I am assuming that you are attacking his/her 'C' drive.. and $ is compulsory ...)
And you will be amazed to see his/her drive and you can do your business..

 Please comment if you find any difficulty in using it...Happy hacking....!!!

This is for educational purpose only and the author is not responsible for any mishaps resulting from this article.

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